The Lorebrary

Hello, fellow Lorehounds! I'm Loremaster Bryan C (aka Bryan8063), the editor-in-chief of our new blog, the Lorebrary. John, David, Elysia, and I want to encourage our community to write some entries. This is your space to expand your ideas and insights.


At the Lorehounds, our mission is to ignite curiosity and passion for what lies beneath the surface of stories in books, television, movies, games, and other media.

Our community consists of avid readers and television and movie enthusiasts. The primary purpose of this blog is to create a vibrant community where we can share our favorite takes, unveil history and observations, and, most of all, connect with individuals in our community.



We are particularly interested in entries that are at least 300 words that center on past and present podcast topics, regardless of whether you are a subscriber or not. All listeners are welcome to write.

All submissions are subject to approval by the editor-in-chief and the Lorehounds Triarchy of John, David, and Elysia.

The editor will edit your entry for length, grammar, and clarity. We tend to follow the U.S. spelling of words.

Submit ideas and posts at